Operators composition

grappa overloads | and > operators for expressive assertions composition and chaining.

Pipe operator

Use | operator for composing assertions that matches the following conditions:

  • For assertion expression initialization.
  • A typical AND logical composition.
  • Assertions that DO tests the same subject.
  • Assertions that uses operators that DOES NOT yield a new test subject.


'foo' | should.have.length.of(3) | should.contain('o')
[1, 2, 3] | should.be.a(list) | should.have.length.of(3) | should.contain(2)

Arrow operator

Use > operator for composing assertions that matches the following conditions:

  • For non-initialization assertion expressions.
  • A typical AND logical composition.
  • Assertions that DOES NOT test the same subject.
  • Assertions that uses operators that YIELDS a new test subject in the assertion chain.


[1, 2, 3] | should.be.a(list) > should.have.index.at(2) | should.be.equal.to(3)

Conditional operators

all assertion composition, equivalent to and operator.

You can define N number of composed assertions.

{'foo': True} | should.all(should.have.key('foo'), should.have.length.of(1))

{'foo': True} | expect.all(expect.to.have.key('foo'), expect.to.have.length.of(1))

any assertion composition, equivalent to or operator. You can define N number of composed assertions.

{'foo': True} | should.any(should.have.key('bar'), should.have.length.of(1))

{'foo': True} | expect.any(expect.to.have.key('bar'), expect.to.have.length.of(1))